30 Minute Leg and Core Workout!

Join Meg for a quick leg workout that will have your legs burning in less than 30 minutes! It’s perfect if you are short on time! Set your timer and follow her demo to see how to perform each exercise. When you are short on time, sometimes it’s easy to just skip your workout, but with this efficient leg circuit, you’ll have your warm up, workout and stretch finished in 30 minutes! Perfect!

***Hi gang! Meg here…I jumped onto Cindy’s post to apologize for the hair in this video!!! Where was the rubber band???? Yikers!!!


  • Do each set 4 times through

  • You will set your timer for 40 seconds to run 12 times.

  • Go from one exercise right into the next as fast as you are able.

  • Rest 40-60 seconds between sets

  • You should consult your physician or other health care professional before starting this or any other fitness program to determine if it is right for your needs. Click HERE for full disclaimer.


  • weights (can also be done without weights)

Warm Up:30 seconds each exercise

  • click HERE for video of warm up

  • boxer shuffle, butt kicks, jumping jacks, skaters, good mornings, squat kicks, reverse lunges, side lunges


Set one:

1. weighted curtsy lunge (do left leg one round, right leg second round….)

2. weighted glute raise

3. med ball sit up

Set two:

1. UFC jump

2. weighted knee hip thrust

3. plank step out

Set three:

1. reverse lunge to deadlift (do left leg one round, right leg second round….)

2. goblet pulse squat

3. side plank hip taps (do left side one round, right side second round…)