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Take Your First Step Towards Fitness Beginner Workout

Do you feel winded just going up the stairs?  Are you feeling tired all the time?  Do your joints ache and you feel like you're living on ibuprofen?  You CAN change all that!  There is always a first step to anything you do and as they say; the first step is the hardest.  Take the first step with this workout.  It will get you moving and it will also give you a sense of accomplishment.  Fitness is not only about your physical being, but your mental/spiritual being as well.  This first step workout will nourish both!  Try doing this workout several times a week to start.  Drink plenty of water before and after you workout.  Before you know it, you will breeze through this beginner workout and be ready for some more challenging exercises.  THIS IS YOUR FIRST STEP.  Take it!  YOU ARE WORTH IT!  YOU ARE WONDERFUL!

*We like using Seconds App for our workout timers.  It's easy to use.  Just program a circuit timer for 20 seconds of activity and 10 seconds of're ready to go!

*Remember to click on each of the exercises for a video demonstration.


Warm up 

boxer shuffle, butt kicks, jumping jacks, skaters, good mornings, squat kicks, lunges, side lunges (click here for a warm up video demonstration)


  • 20 seconds of exercise/10 seconds of break

  • ABAB format then move on to the next set

  • rest as needed in between sets

  • if you find you are really struggling to keep up with the timer, try to do 10 reps of each of the exercises and rest as needed

  • one time through all five sets is about 10 minutes (as you get stronger, you can go through the all the sets 2-3 times)

  • You should consult your physician or other health care professional before starting this or any other fitness program to determine if it is right for your needs. Click HERE for full disclaimer.



A.  crunches

B.  low kicks


A.  heel touches

B.  toy soldiers


A.  ab toe touches

B.  kneeling arm sprint


A.  table top abs

B.  zig zag jumps


A.  elbow plank hold (on knees if necessary)

B.  jump rope


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