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Firm and Burn Lower Body Workout

Firm your butt and legs as you torch calories with this workout.  It is a great workout to keep the calorie burn high and the toning benefits maximal!  Make sure that you push to your full effort through the entire workout.  Choose as heavy a weight as you can for the butt and thigh exercises as you can without effecting good form.  60% of your body's muscle is found in your butt and legs, so do this workout routinely and see the lifting benefits!!!


  • Perform the strength exercises with the appropriate reps . ABABAB

  • Once strength set is complete, follow with 2 round of hit exercises done at 20 seconds on/10 seconds off.

  • You should consult your physician or other health care professional before starting this or any other fitness program to determine if it is right for your needs. Click HERE for full disclaimer.


  • dumbbells or bands

  • barbell

Warm up:  30 seconds each exercise

  • boxer shuffle, butt kicks, jumping jacks, skaters, good mornings, squat kicks, reverse lunges, side lunges


Squats  12, 12, 12

 One legged dead lift L/R  12, 12, 12

Deadlift  12, 12, 12

Bulgarian split squat  L/R 12, 12, 12

Side lunge w/barbell or dumbbells  12, 12, 12

Glute raise w/barbell   12, 12, 12 (can substitute with one legged glute raise on ball if you do not have barbell)