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5 Ways to Set Health and Fitness Goals that Work

Can we all agree that 2020 has been tough? I have said that I feel like “I have been pulled through knothole” more in the last 8 months than I have in my life (my daughter’s know that is my favorite saying for the days I feel mentally exhausted). Seriously - we need to reclaim 2020! I have this overwhelming need to end this year stronger and healthier than I started!

It’s been a tough year for everyone, but it doesn’t have to end as rough as it started. We challenged our clients to set 3 goals for the next four months, either fitness related or overall developing healthier lifestyle habits. Meg and I believe strongly in our motto “Healthy Life, Happy Life” because it’s so true. Developing healthier habits will ultimately help you lead a happier life. So let’s end 202 strong…

The only problem…how to make goals that will actually work? Believe me, I have made lots of goals that I didn’t stick to for more than a week, so I understand how hard it can be to put goals into action…at least for the long haul. Here are 5 steps to make your goals achievable and I brainstormed a bunch of possible goals to give you some ideas, 50 Fitness and Healthy Lifestyle Goals to Get YOU Moving.

Make Specific Goals

This is not always easy to do, but making your goals specific will help you so much. Changing your goal from I want to work out more, to I want to workout 5 days a week will make it trackable, which makes it easier to measure your success. You can check off all the days you did your workouts, so you know specifically that you exercised 5 days each week. 

Even long term goals, like I want to run faster, will be more achievable if you make them specific. If you run an 10-minute mile but would like to run a faster 5K, you could make your goal to run a 9-minute mile and develop a plan that incorporates sprints into your running program, which will help you achieve your ultimate goal of running a faster 9 min mile.

Write it Down

Here is where the rubber meets the road. If you don’t put your goals into writing, it’s easy to change it in your mind every time it doesn’t suit your current circumstance. Putting it into writing will help you know exactly what your specific goal is and not give you wiggle room when you want to ignore it. You may not feel like working out 5 days one week, so in your mind you tell yourself, well I’m working out more than before. Then during the next week few weeks, your expectation of doing 5 workouts a week will drop to where you are just happy to do a couple. If you don’t write it down, it is an ever-changing target - targets on the move are hard to hit.

After you write it down, put it someplace you see regularly. Meg and I find a great place is on your mirror in your bathroom so you see it every morning. You can place inside a book, on your refrigerator, anywhere that it will trigger your resolve to stick to your goals for that day.

Set Realistic Goals

This is probably one of my biggest missteps with goal setting. I try to go too big too soon and once I fall off the target a little I give up. If you haven’t worked out in months, don’t make your goal to start working out every day. Instead, try making it more realistic and say “I will workout 3 times a week.” Focus on a small step toward the bigger goal, not the bigger goal first.

Tell Someone

I find that just by telling someone what my goals are, it helps me become immediately more committed to achieving them. It also helps to have a cheerleader in your corner too. If you can enlist someone that shares the same goals, that’s probably the best plan of all! working out with a friend helps you stay committed to your appointments and it makes it so much more fun.

Celebrate the Small and Big Victories

Ahhhh once you get a taste of seeing actual change - which you can easily do now that you have set specific trackable goals, you need to celebrate! The more you can celebrate your victories, the more motivated you will be to find new goals. What you once thought was something so out of the realm of possibility, will soon come something within your grasp! Don’t forget to celebrate the small steps along the way too. When you do 2 or 4 weeks of hitting all 5 workouts, give yourself a little high five! Maybe you buy a new tanktop, book a massage, or go for a bike ride along your favorite path - just do something to acknowledge your achievement and look toward the next small step toward achieving your goals.

YOU CAN do this! A “Healthy life, Happy Life” begins with just setting one simple goal!

Click here for 50 Fitness and Healthy Lifestyle Goal Ideas to Get You Moving

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